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Our Work in the Community

As a company we are committed to raising social and morale awareness in the community through work produced by young people for young people.


As an expanding company we have created a number of outreach programmes consisting of issue-based workshops designed to offer participants an opportunity to develop a number of transferable skills, whilst allowing them to have fun and encourage creativity. Classes are shaped and can be tailored to meet the objectives and needs of your organisation and young people.

Our objectives are:


  • To raise social awareness in the community

  • To raise esteem and confidence amongst young people

  • To engage young people in debate and to help articulate their opinions

  • To encourage individuality and creativity through exploration of the arts.

Our projects encourage personal growth and responsibility and celebrate our achievements. Our services are geared towards creating an environment that encourages young people to explore their potential by reflecting on the world from inside it.


'Creative play - seeking to see the world afresh - is at times a fight against the fascination which familiar associations and directions of thought exert on us. Young people need to be encouraged to understand the importance of this kind of ‘play’.

Professor Lewis Minkin

Hardknock Productions provides educational programmes designed for schools, colleges and a variety of youth organisations.  

Devising Theatre Courses 

The courses offer participants the opportunity to engage with the devising process through a shared experience. It will allow them to choose and explore a subject or theme for a unique and original performance piece.


The process of creating the play will become the responsibility of the group and will be facilitated by tutors, who will support and guide participants through the making process.


The workshops will enable learners to explore their response to issues and concerns through activities and exercises that involve among others, discussion, brainstorming and debate, Forum theatre methods, Improvised scenario, Body sculptin, Role play and Tableau work.


Successful cooperation will result not only in effective performance of their devised theatre piece but also in a greater knowledge and understanding of the material and its significance, the discipline of theatre form and the complexities of theatre practice.

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